Bidding Requirements
1. Three AA people under 35 years of age with a minimum of 1 year of sobriety
must represent the bidding city reflected in the form of a Bid Committee roster to
include age and sobriety dates. This shall include the presenter(s) of the bid to
the Advisory Council. They may be accompanied by supporters of any age
2. Bid Committees must have commitments from at least two hotels, including dates
showing availability of meeting rooms in the hotels, and proof that the hotel
requires no commitment as to the number of people attending. This commitment
needs to be represented in the form of a hotel contract outlining the costs of
doing business. Specific contract requirements can be found in the Hotels
3. Assurance must be given in the form of a letter from the local Intergroup Office
that no large scale AA activity (i.e. World, ICYPAA, and Florida State
Conferences) will be held in their local AA Area (i.e. 1, 14, 15) within a thirty-day
period before and a thirty-day period after the conference date
4. Obtain a letter from local service structure (i.e. Intergroup, District and/or Area) to
demonstrate how the Bid Committee has been involved in service within your
local area. If Bid Committee members have been involved in service outside of
the Bid Committee, please share that as well
5. Bid committees are required to provide detailed financial records from all
committee transactions in the form of a ledger and proof of bank account status
with at least two signers
6. The new host city must agree that 80% of the proceeds after expenses are to be
turned over to the FCYPAA Advisory Council within 30 days of the conference.
The host city is permitted to contribute up to 20% of the proceeds as they see fit,
keeping in line with the 12 traditions
7. Bid Committees must provide a concise statement illustrating the need for the
conference in their area
8. There will be a maximum of twenty minutes for the presentation by each bidding
city, this includes Q+A. The presentation may be in the form of a skit, video, or
any form of creative expression as decided by the bid's group conscience. The
presentation is suggested to be in line with AA's 12 traditions
9. Bid Committee packages must be submitted to the Advisory Council no later than
10 days prior to the start of the conference by 11:59pm est. in PDF form,
scrubbed and un-scrubbed, to: advisory@fcypaa.net; 3 unscrubbed hard copies
of the Bid packages are to be handed in to Advisory Council no later than 5:00pm
on the Friday of the Conference
10.Bid Committees must read, understand, and be prepared to agree with the Host
Committee Requirements. Bid Cities should be prepared to answer questions
about the Host Requirements at the conference
11. Bid Committees must submit a temporary pre-registration flyer in the bid package
and a separate PDF submitted along with the bid package. The flyer is to include
the committee mailing address and email, registrant information (name, bid city,
phone number, and email), scholarship, special needs, and price. The flyer is not
to include conference dates or hotel info
12.In keeping with our name and the 11th tradition, we ask that our members,
guests, and visitors do not take pictures, videos, or recordings of any FCYPAA
person, activity, event, or conference unless everyone in it has given consent.
Please do not publicly identify or affiliate yourself with AA or FCYPAA in a public
format such as the press, radio, film or public internet.
The FCYPAA Advisory Council strongly suggests each bid committee outreach their respective committees beyond their immediate locale. Seek assistance from The Advisory Council and share business meeting minutes to advisory@fcypaa.net
**IMPORTANT NOTE: Bid books that do not meet the requirements will not be considered in the voting for a host committee. To avoid disqualification, we encourage bid cities to submit bid books 3 weeks prior to our 10 day electronic submission deadline. Bid books not received 3 weeks prior are not eligible for review. Feedback to the bid cities will be received no later than 5 days before the 10 day deadline. Any feedback that was missed by the Advisory Council during review, that are caught at conference during deliberations, will not be held against the submitting bid city.**