Hosting Requirements
Your Committee has been selected to act on behalf of the Florida Conference of Young
People in AA (FCYPAA). The Host Committee has the chief initiative and the active
responsibility in preparing for and hosting FCYPAA’s annual conference. Except in
matters affecting other Host Committees, FCYPAA, or A.A. as a whole, each Host
Committee should be autonomous. Here the Advisory Council’s attitude must be that of
custodial oversight. With this relationship comes certain specific responsibilities:
1. Return to your city and disband as a Bidding Committee, arrange to have elections (this includes having ready positions, position requirements and sobriety requirements for those positions), making sure that you leave yourselves enough time to outreach the elections in your area. Two Advisory Council members should facilitate elections
2. The Advisory Council will approve the proposed hotel contract before it is signed.
The FCYPAA Advisory Council Chair and the Advisory Council Co-Chair shall be the only signers of the final hotel contract. No conference dates or hotel information should be made public until a contract is signed
3. The Host Committee will submit the proposed budget to the Advisory Council Treasury Subcommittee for their approval.
a. Phase 1: The Host Committee will submit an operating cost draft budget (i.e. events, business meeting rent, Zoom, merchandise, income from registrations) within 30 days of forming. Feedback Zoom call with appropriate members to take place within 14 days of submission.
b. Phase 2: Final proposed budget due 30 days after the signing of the hotel contract. Advisory Treasury Subcommittee and Host Members (Treasurer, Program, Registration, AV, Hotel, Merchandise, Events, Accessibilities, Chair & Co-Chair at minimum) will meet via Zoom to review and discuss 14 days after submission.
c. Phase 3: Host will resubmit final proposed budget 21 days after Zoom review. Advisory Council commits to approving Final Host Budget 14 days after Zoom meeting.
4. The Host Committee will co-host the bi-annual camping trips with the Advisory Council, which take place in the Fall and the Spring. Responsibilities of these camping trips are outlined in the Camping 101 document
5. The Host Committee is responsible for providing the Advisory Council with meeting minutes and committee reports within 7 days of each business meeting
6. The Advisory Council will be put on the program for the following:
a. Friday 5:00pm: How to Bid, Q&A
b. Friday 6:00pm: Meet-and-Greet with Bid Cities, at their respective bid tables
c. Friday main meeting: Reading of the Safety card
d. Saturday 9am: The Bid Session
e. Saturday main meeting: Reading of the Safety card and Advisory announcements
f. Sunday main meeting: Reading of the Safety card and FCYPAA Conference banner hand-off
7. The Advisory Council needs to be provided with conference meeting space for the duration of the conference (Fri-Sun), and an additional lockable room that will display/store the FCYPAA archives. The Host Committee is responsible for scheduling someone to be present in the Archives room for the duration of the conference unless it is locked
8. The Host Committee is responsible for providing conference space and tables at the conference for each bidding city on Friday for the Bid City Meet-and-Greet. Additional tables shall be provided for outreach opportunities for Florida Bid Cities, as well as out-of-state A.A. conferences
9. Many alcoholics travel great distances to hear and meet with other young alcoholics and to learn how the young alcoholic achieves sobriety. In keeping with this spirit, the committee should endeavor to obtain representation from young people and ensure singleness of purpose of A.A., asking speakers to please be mindful of the 12 Traditions. (i.e. speakers, readers, meeting chairs, greeters, etc.)
10. Nothing outside of the Host Committee’s, the conference’s audio-visual vendor, out-of-state YPAA’s, Bid Cities’ merchandise and A.A. approved literature/material should be sold at the conference. Keep the traditions in mind at all times
11. The Advisory Council will provide web hosting for the Host Committee via fcypaa.net if they so choose. Regardless of their decision, the Host Committee is responsible for building and maintaining a website for the purpose of receiving pre-registrations, hotel information, travel help and any other pertinent information regarding their FCYPAA conference
12. The Host Committee must provide a permanent mailing address. This can easily be achieved through the rental of a Post Office Box
13. Any activity that generates funds for the Host Committee should be handled solely by the Host Committee at the point of sale
14. Each Host Committee is responsible for hanging the official FCYPAA banner and the past conference banners in the main speaker room along with any cost incurred for hanging the banners
15. The Host Committee will use the FCYPAA Anonymity Statement during the announcement of every main meeting at the FCYPAA conference. In keeping with our name and the 11th tradition, we ask that our members, guests and visitors do not take pictures, videos or recordings of any FCYPAA person, activity, event or conference unless everyone in it has given consent. Please do not publicly identify or affiliate yourself with A.A. or FCYPAA in a public format such as the press, radio, film or the internet. We ask that you are mindful of posting such content on the internet
16. Prior to your conference starting it is required that your Host Committee hold elections for the Advisory Council. Two current Advisory Council members must be present at the time of your elections. The Host Committee will elect six council members to rotate on. The requirements are six months of continuous service on the Host Committee and one year of sobriety. If a person has resigned or has been relieved from a position to become a member at large for not participating in their Host Committee's position’s requirements, this will not constitute
continuous service
17. At the end of the conference, the outgoing Host Committee will present the FCYPAA banner to the new host city, traditionally done at the end of the Sunday main meeting